September 21, 2016

Unconscious Mutterings #2

Here's this week's Unconscious Mutterings meme. It's fun and all you do is answer with the first thought that comes to your mind for each question. Usually one word answers will do.

I say ... and you think ...?

1. Flat ~ Broke

2. Machine ~ Sewing

3. Arthritis ~ In my knees, hands and back..I hate it!

4. Forks ~ Spoons and knives

5. Task force ~ N.C.I.S. Love Gibbs! :)

6. Beads ~ Rosary

7. Striped ~ Bold ones

8. Dumpster ~ Giant Garbage Pail

9. Piggy ~ Bank

10. Badge ~ Of Courage!

Now you try either on your own blog or answer here in comments.

I'm away today with my sister on a day cruise on the Hudson River. Hopefully I'll take photos to post tomorrow. It should be fun. Have a lovely day my friends and until next time be blessed.

I so look forward to your comment as I appreciate your visit here. Today and always, I am thankful for your warm welcome and for being a friend to me.


  1. You got most of my answers. #9 Piggy my first thought was Park because we have a BBQ place in our town called Piggy Park.

  2. This is fun..
    Flat - tire
    Machine - washing
    Arthritis - hurts
    Forks - eat
    Tasked Force - SWAT
    Beads - necklace
    Striped - stripper
    Dumpster - diving
    Piggy - oink
    Badge - name

  3. I have a hard time with this meme because I read other's answers and then that is all I can think of! LOL Enjoy your cruise today and I'm excited to see the photos.

  4. Love memes!
    beads..a rosary of Swarovski crystal I saw yesterday! Gorgeous.
    striped ..bass
    Piggy.. Miss
    Badge .. police

  5. flat = shoes
    machine = washing
    forks = spoons
    tasked force = military
    beads = necklace
    striped = flag
    dumpster = garbage
    piggy - bank
    badge = police


I love seeing comments from family and friends. Thank you so much for leaving one. 💜 Many blessings dear friends.