October 2, 2016

Unconscious Mutterings #3

Here's this week's Unconscious Mutterings meme. It's fun and all you do is answer with the first thought that comes to your mind for each question. Usually one word answers will do.

I say ... and you think ...?

1. Brace ~ Yourself

2. Upgrade ~ For The Better

3. Run ~ As Fast As You Can!

4. Construction ~ Noisy and Never Ending

5. Lazy ~ Days

6. Email ~ Only When Necessary

7. Hide ~ 'N Seek

8. Hornet ~ 's Nest

9. Wonder ~ Of Wonders

10. Hesitate ~ And Lose.

Now you try either on your own blog or answer here in comments.

I so look forward to your comment as I appreciate your visit here. Today and always, I am thankful for your warm welcome and for being a friend to me.


  1. How fun that was, smiles. Have a beautiful day Toni...Looks like the rain is here to stay for awhile.

    1.Brace ~ Yourself

    2. Upgrade ~ model

    3. Run ~ walk

    4. Construction ~ Beep Beep {???-as in honking-grinning}

    5. Lazy ~ Mcdaisy

    6. Email ~ all the time

    7. Hide ~ and ye shall be found

    8. Hornet ~ 's Nest

    9. Wonder ~ what a wonderful life

    10. Hesitate ~ give up

  2. brace= leg
    upgrade = computer
    run = fast
    construction = paper
    lazy = daisy
    email - address
    hide - and seek
    hornet - sting
    wonder - bread
    hesitate - think


I love seeing comments from family and friends. Thank you so much for leaving one. 💜 Many blessings dear friends.