August 6, 2017

Elena's Things To See

My daughter spent today at New Smyrna Beach in Florida. It is the number one beach in the world for shark attacks. They sell T-Shirts in the store, "Shark Bite Capital Of The World". Her photos taken at the beach are Morning Glories, her feet in the sand and beach umbrellas.

Thank you all for your prayers. My family and I really appreciate the love and care you've shown us. I wish you all a lovely and blessed day ahead.


  1. It's good to hear your sister is doing better. Praying she is soon 100%. Scary to have sepsis.
    I like the photos. The morning glories especially!
    Have a lovely Monday!

  2. I was wondering about your sister...I had blood poisoning when I had a ingrown toenail, scary how that can spread (tmi, sorry about that).

    Hope you have a lovely week, friend.

  3. The morning glories are such a gorgeous color. Here in New Zealand, they grow so well that they are a pest! I'm glad to hear that your sister is improving. I will keep you all in my prayers.

  4. Hi Toni, glad to hear your sister is doing better. My grandma died from sepsis. By the time they figured out, it was to late.


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