April 23, 2018

Just Saying..

I thought I would let you know why I haven't been visiting blogs lately. I've been trying to keep off the computer as much as possible and believe me it isn't easy for me. With this crazy weather these past two weeks I've been dealing with arthritis in my left hand fingers and this is the hand I use mostly for the keyboard. I'm also dealing with bursitis in my right shoulder which has caused me to cut down on my computer projects. Thank goodness I have always pre-posted many blog entries. not this one as it's one I did last night with the slowest typing I have done in many moons. Hopefully warmer weather will help as I'm not a pill taker or getting injections for the bursitis. I leave my comfort up to The Lord.

Thought I would throw in the past week's Unconscious Mutterings meme. It's fun and all you do is answer with the first thought that comes to your mind for each question. Usually one word answers will do. Most of the time I answer tongue in cheek. :-)

I say ... and you think ...?

1. Frustration ~ Unusual For Me
2. Mistaken ~ Identity
3. Twirl ~ That Baton
4. Constipation ~ Hurts
5. Purple ~ Plum
6. Phone ~ Home
7. Frizz ~ Only On Humid Rainy Days
9. Sequel ~ So Many Nowadays
10. Ache ~ Yes For The Past 2 Weeks
11. Fat ~ Cat

Now hopefully you'll try either on your own blog or answer here in comments.


The WORD For The Day


I'm off to rest. No card game with my sisters this week. Until the next time dear friends, have a day of blessings.


  1. Hi Toni, sorry to hear about your pain. I bet all the cold weather you have had does not help either. I will keep you in prayer. Hugs

  2. I hope you are feeling better soon. Summer days surely will come soon. I have arthritis and have problems with it more in cold weather. Take care my friend.

  3. I am sorry to hear that you've been "under the weather" in more ways than one. Praying you soon start to feel better...praying for sunshine and warmth for you...I know that will help. Loved your unconscious mutterings...I can't really improve on those...pretty much the same thoughts. Please take care and don't overdo it. Hot showers are nice when you ache...and a hot cup of tea always helps...but I guess for you it would be coffee...just try to comfort yourself knowing that spring is coming, and the Lord is with you. Praying for you now.

  4. Bursitis and arthritis are ugly painful cousins. I know pain my friend, so I am praying hard for you. Don't suffer needlessly though Toni.
    You are much loved. Sending a big gentle hug your way.


I love seeing comments from family and friends. Thank you so much for leaving one. 💜 Many blessings dear friends.