May 21, 2018

Street Art~Grounds For Talent 3

All around the world artists are at work, saying what they want to say on their own terms. And the talent shines. I've always been fascinated by street and building art and murals so I usually manage to find something that catches my eye and believe me these three did. I applaud the artists unique talent. I hope and think you will find them fascinating too. You can Google the artists to see more of their masterpieces.

Artist Ant Carver (Yes His Name Is Ant)

Artist Seth Globepainter

Artist Ben Slow's Ode To Love


Thought For The Day


Hope you enjoy me presenting street artists and their paintings here on my blog every so often, just let me know what you think. Until next time dear friends and family, be blessed.


  1. Good morning Toni! I am always amazed at street art! The talents these artists have! Happy Monday my friend!

  2. I wish I had talent like that...beautiful work. I hope you have a lovely day friend.

  3. So beautifully done. I love the kids with the tin can phones...we used to do that. It really worked!! Yes, it takes great talent to do these kinds of paintings. Thank you for sharing them. I often wish I could paint. I used to draw a lot, but never learned to paint. There are times that a photograph just won't needs to be painted...but by a good artist.

  4. Yup, I enjoy it. I think these street artists beautify things so nicely.Maybe that guys name is Anthony or Antoine and Ant is a nickname.. anyway I hope so LOL


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