August 4, 2017

Friday Photo Friends ~ Wild Flowers

I love wild flowers and there are many in my area. Here are two kinds I enjoy seeing during the summer. The top photo is a Wood Anemone a Native wildflower in Columbia County, NY and the bottom of course is a Tiger Lily which are both wild and hybrid bulbs that can be bought. Tiger lilies thrive well in moist to wet soils and hence grow well near ditches. The Third photo is a blue wild flowers that I don't know what it's called. I just thought it was pretty.

Please keep my sister Phyllis in prayer as she was taken to the hospital by ambulance yesterday afternoon with 103 temperature plus other problems. They are taking tests and biopsies for some kind of infections on her body and no, it's not pneumonia. I won't be around much as I'll be in the hospital with my sister Louise. Thank you.

If you're interested in joining the Friday Foto Friends you can visit Debbie by clicking on her name. Until next time dear friends have a lovely weekend.


  1. Praying now for your sister Phyllis. Trusting that the Lord will direct the Doctors to find the answers and to bring healing to her soon. Love the wildflower pics. Please take care and trust in the Lord. He is with you ALL>

  2. Keeping Phyllis in and you in prayer, friend.

  3. Praying for her and will keep it up until she is well.
    God bless your family Toni.
    Lovely flowers! NY is a beautiful state.

  4. Beautiful photos. Great colors. I will add your sister to my prayers.

  5. I'm sorry to hear about your sister, Toni. She's in my prayers. Have a blessed weekend.

  6. Beautiful flowers, especially the blue ones. Prayers for your sister and her doctors. 💜

  7. Love those wildflower pics and I'm so sorry to read about your sister. I pray they will discover what is wrong and treat it quickly.

  8. Lovely wild flowers.

    So sorry to hear about your sister. That is worrying but I pray everything goes well and you will rest easier soon.

  9. I also LOVE wildflowers! So nice. The Wood Anemon is great in all its beauty. How's now with you sister?


I love seeing comments from family and friends. Thank you so much for leaving one. 💜 Many blessings dear friends.