November 25, 2017

It's Time Again

Now that Thanksgiving is over I think of Christmas and can't wait to start decorating my apartment for it. As you know the tree has been up and waiting to be dressed. So now this year and for the first time I decorated it before December.  (At my age it works for me LOL)  and here are the first photos of my changing colors tree. I probably will add more ornaments plus. That's my Mom's photo  (looking down from heaven in the Joy)  I miss her so much. And of course there has to be Snoopy there too. Photos were taken with my cellphone, not the best.

I also thought I would post a Christmas meme list for today, so here goes.."What do you think of when you think of “Christmas?” Using the word “Christmas,” list one thing you think of per letter.

C ~ Christ Child
H ~ Holidays
R ~ Relatives Visiting
I ~ Ideas For Gifts
S ~ Sending Out Cards
T ~ Trimming The Tree
M ~ Manger For Nativity Scene
A ~ Angel For Tree Top
S ~ Savior's Birth

I'd like to know what's the one thing you think of per letter. I just love this time of year and lately the days go by so fast that Christmas will be here before you know it and that's why I don't wait to decorate later in December like I used to. So dear friends until next we meet have a day of blessings.


  1. Right now my mind can't focus on a word for each letter, too early, just 6:30 a.m., I always think of Jesus when I think of Christmas.

  2. Right now, I just cant focus, much hot flashes, sad to say.{{{just keeping it real}}}

    I love your tree and your poem, have a beautiful day friend.

  3. Your tree is beautiful. I love that you have your mothers photo there too.
    H; heart
    R: Righteous
    i: icicles
    s: snow
    t: Time of joy
    M: memories made
    A: angels
    S: Salvation

  4. C Children, grand children
    H Happy hearts
    R Red ball ornaments
    I Instagram-sharing pictures
    S Savior's birth
    T Tamales
    M Memories
    A Angels
    S Santa


I love seeing comments from family and friends. Thank you so much for leaving one. 💜 Many blessings dear friends.