January 29, 2018

Birthday Wishes and A Short SWD

I thought I'd do a shortened version of The Simple Woman's Daybook meme again. I used to do it weekly when I had a different blog and I always enjoyed it.


Outside my window... it's 1:00 AM and dark.

I am thinking... about my granddaughter for today is her birthday. I miss her as she lives in Texas.

I am wearing... a knit tunic, slacks and slipper sandals right now. (I don't wear shoes in the apartment).

I am creating... this post entry right now.

I am going... to try and get some sleep after I finish writing this and putting it online.

I am looking forward to... maybe being able to spend some time with both of my sisters. No cards today and I'll miss it.

Around the apartment... Nothing to do as I do my household chores early in the morning, every morning. It's easy when you live alone.

One of my favorite things... To do is relax with a cup of coffee and maybe create some new graphics or write a poem or read a book.

A few plans for the rest of the week: Actually I don't have any as Winter is not very active for me.

Birthday wishes and photo... for my granddaughter with a poem I wrote for her.


Remembering back to a beautiful little girl
And of picking her up to give her a whirl.

Giggling out loud as her arms hold on tight
Around the room we both take off in flight.

Now looking at photos of times gone by
Remembering those days with a soft sigh.

Those happy days as she spent time with me
Now miles apart as the years swiftly flee.

And seeing her photos now a mom all grown
Married and four adorable sons of her own.

She calls every weekend to tell me what's new
And always asks, "what's happening with you?"

Then ending the call with "I love you"
She answers with, "And I love you too".

Toni Taddeo &copy

Not much else to post and so dear friends have a day of blessings.


  1. A very Happy Birthday Jessica!!! Wishes for many more....hope you have a beautiful week, Toni, smiles. (looks like the s word is in our forecast tonight, sigh)

  2. Happy Birthday to your granddaughter!

  3. I also enjoy the daybook entries.
    Jessica is so beautiful and I love that she calls you every week. What a sweet girl! Happy Birthday Jessica!
    Sorry no cards.. I know how much you enjoy it but hope you do spend time with your sisters .

    1. My youngest sister just text me and invited me for lunch and cards. LOL! My other sister couldn't make it today so it's just the two of us.

  4. So glad you got to go visit your sister and play cards afterall! And happy birthday to your granddaughter. I love that you talk each week and that she tells you about her life with her active family...and that you always end your conversations with telling each other you love each other. So precious and valuable in this day and age. I hope your day was filled with some laughter and surprises!


I love seeing comments from family and friends. Thank you so much for leaving one. 💜 Many blessings dear friends.