February 16, 2018

Friday Photo Friends ~ Strolling The Neighborhood

Redheaded Sand Hill Cranes photos from my daughter. I love the way they are just able to walk freely in Florida neighborhoods. In my area of upstate New York it's White Tail Deer that walk around roads, towns and countrysides. I never have a camera ready when they are around.


If you're interested in joining the Friday Foto Friends you can visit Debbie by clicking on her name or her Logo on the left side menu. It's a wonderful photo meme and a wonderful bunch of ladies who join in. And now until next time dear friends have a lovely weekend.


  1. Interesting how these birds walk around neighborhoods. We are the same here in WV as you are in upstate NY, Toni. Deer roam freely and now and again I've seen black bears walking up our road or in behind our house. Thank you for sharing the pictures of the Sand Hill Cranes...love their redheads. :)

    1. Black bear are common in our neighborhood too. Many swim over the Hudson river from the Catskills which is across from my town. :)

  2. Oh how I love this, smiles...same here in western NY and on occasion, one will see a black bear. (of course, since we live in town, we don't see deer, but once you get out of town, lololol)---have a beautiful day friend. smiles

  3. I live out in the country so I see lot's of critters. LOL! This was fun to see though. Great pictures. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  4. How beautiful. I would love to take a walk in that neighborhood. Have a blessed weekend.

  5. How cute they look strolling around their neighborhood. Just out for a little after dinner walk maybe.
    How cool is that.

  6. Love it! They are just out for an afternoon stroll. Great fun.
    We have wild turkeys that stroll through our yard. Often there are dear too.

  7. I mostly get egrets in my neighborhood but would love the cranes

  8. I love the Sand Hill Cranes. We have many in our neighborhood, and I posted a picture of one sitting on her nest today on my post. At least I assume that is what she is doing as she seems to stay there a lot...it is out in the middle of the pond on a "sand bar" (mud bar is more like it) I love to hear them talking to each other...they make quite a racket...but it is fun. Thanks for sharing these pics from my part of the country.

  9. I love the pictures, they walk so slow and stately! We have cranes here too.

  10. They just look so funny strolling the neighborhood! ☺ Beautiful creations. All we have here are lots of birds and squirrels. Happy weekend!

  11. how sublimely they are walking around:)

    thank you for this treasure photos ,loved them


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