April 20, 2018

Friday Foto Friends ~ The Beauty Of Birds

The beauty of birds. I just love them. Here's a bluejay and a humming bird. Whoever took these photos saw the beauty in them. I'm only sorry I didn't take the photos.


Thought For The Day By Charlie Brown's Creator

Bible Quote Of The Day

Genesis 1:20:  "Then God said, “Let the waters teem with swarms of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth in the open expanse of the heavens.”


If you're interested in joining the Friday Foto Friends you can visit Debbie by clicking on her name or her Logo on the left side menu. It's a wonderful photo meme and a wonderful bunch of ladies who join in. And now until next time dear friends have a lovely weekend.


  1. I wish I could be like that wise old owl, sigh...I'm afraid, my mouth often gets me in trouble (not curse words, but just in general).

    I hope you have a lovely day, friend.

  2. Very wise old owl...yes, indeed! Love the blue jay and the hummingbird. I am enjoying both of them here in my yard these days...although that is a different kind of hummingbird than what I see here. We have only the ruby-throated ones. They are such fun to watch! yes, God created all of this beauty for us to enjoy. Thank you for sharing some of it with us today. Have a blessed and beautiful day, my friend. And try to stay warm!

  3. It is so beautiful here, Toni! I am partial to blue. I do love to see beautiful birds. I think God really delighted in creating such beautiful, colorful living things!

  4. What brilliant colors in the pictures today, Toni. The Blue Jay and the hummingbird both just have such striking colors. And I love the quote!

  5. Lovely quote! Hos words always thrill me. The birds are beautiful.

  6. Thank you so much for the quote the photos and Bible text!

  7. Oh yes, wouldn't it be a better world if we were like that wise old owl.
    I love all your photo's but I had to keep going back to the first one, it's so pretty!

  8. Wow that first photos is fantastic. Then you follow with a beauty for the 2nd one.

  9. The photo of the Blue Jay is so beautiful. He looks like velvet.
    I am trying to be like the owl. Trying, very trying to some people.

  10. They are all so beautiful. Thanks for sharing and have a blessed weekend. xx

  11. Oh, my how I love the birdies, too! And that's one of my favorite poems about the Wise Old Owl. I used that when I had a little 'business' selling crocheted items! Happy Earth 🌎 Day! 💜


I love seeing comments from family and friends. Thank you so much for leaving one. 💜 Many blessings dear friends.