May 26, 2018

Memorial Day Remembered

Each year I re-post this blog entry as a reminder for the holiday. I for one, never considered Memorial Day a holiday. To me it is more of a Remembrance Day. I've had members of my family seriously wounded in many of our wars starting from WWII. As a young girl, I remember the many trips to different cemeteries on Memorial Day with family that spent the day crying over their losses. So, today I spend in prayer and praying for the wounded men and women and the families of our youth who lost their lives for our freedom and our country. I will also spend the day praying for all the young men and woman who are deployed and fighting what seems like a never ending war, that they get home safe and soon to their homes and families.

I remember all those lost heroes in poem also

War Heroes Remembered

Remembering the day in early morn
Going to grave sites and silently bow
Quietly proudly to love and mourn
These heroes of wars then and now

I will always give my heartfelt thanks
I kneel before your gray marble cross
You who answered our country's call
Now laid to rest and covered with moss

The world may now have forgotten
Those who served this country well
Veterans who have given their all
Yet returned home in a box from hell.

But I remember and will never forget
Our war heroes and the price it cost
They proudly fought to keep us free
And paid with lives now forever lost.

Toni Taddeo ©
I know many of you are spending the Memorial holiday with family and friends. I hope the weather is perfect for your 3 day weekend. Until the next time, God bless you all.


  1. I didn't have anyone who gave their lives in the war, as I know of. My Aunt was a Army Nurse in WW11. Good tribute poem you wrote.

  2. Visiting with you and hope you have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend. All gave some, some gave all!

  3. Thank you for this wonderful tribute to our fallen men and women in the military...way too many...but we are so thankful for their sacrifice. Love your poem. Yes, this should be a weekend to reflect and remember those heroes, as well as loved ones who have gone on before us. But it is always good to have a family get together as often as possible. We never know when it may be our last opportunity.

  4. What a beautiful tribute, Ms. Toni. HOPE you have a wonderfully blessed day!

  5. Great post! We all need to appreciate the sacrifices that strangers made for us. Here in New Zealand, every town has a memorial to the fallen of some sort.


I love seeing comments from family and friends. Thank you so much for leaving one. 💜 Many blessings dear friends.