August 19, 2019

Picnic By The Lake

While sitting here waiting for the doctors to remember me and looking through photos on my laptop I found this photo of a family picnic taken in the Summer of 2015 at a picnic in Dutchman's Landing a park in Catskill, NY and it reminded me of a poem I wrote since we don't really have family picnics anymore. Life and families have changed with work and family everyday goings on. That's me in the orange blouse, my son sitting on my right and my sister Louise across from me. All the others are family.

Picnic By The Lake

Alone I'm sitting near my blanket with a picnic basket close by,
And reminiscing of family outings by the lake and softly sigh.

Memories of happy summer days filling baskets at break of dawn,
Those days of family gatherings that now have long since gone.

Summer meant a picnic at a nearby lake on a warm and sunny day
Before the lush green grass and leaves on trees soon fade away.

As I sit here in my chair watching sailboats cruising on the lake
I daydream of past family picnic outings half asleep and yet awake.

Yes, those sweet memories of a long ago happy summer day
Lives on forever in my mind and hopefully never fades away.

Toni Taddeo ©

That's actually the Hudson River and the Rip Van Winkle Bridge in the background. The photo was taken with a cellphone and is a little blurry, I'm not sure who took the photo. Many of the younger family members went on a hike when the photo was taken. Until the next time dear family and friends, have a day of blessings. 💜


  1. I don't do picnics anymore either but we seemed to do far more of them when there were small children in the family. I always enjoyed picnics and relaxing with the family as well as seeing the young ones have fun. I hope the doctors do remember you. Praying all will be well for you. xx

  2. Beautiful. I know all to well what you are feeling...keeping in prayer.

  3. That picture reminds me of family picnics many summers ago. :)

  4. I love this poem and picture. Family picnics are so much fun. We don't do many "picnics" as such here in Florida during the summer because it is so hot and humid. I prefer my outdoor times to be in the fall and winter here. Summer is a good time for indoor picnics, unless you live by a lake or near the ocean. My family used to spend the whole day at the beach (Daytona) when I was little. My mother would cook chicken, potato salad, beans, etc. and we head for the beach. We'd put up a shelter between the cars so we could get some shade in the heat of the day, but we spent most of our time running in an out of the waves. My daddy used to lift me high up into the waves, and we'd have so much fun. Pleasant memories, how they linger... Thank you for This. praying for you each day.


I love seeing comments from family and friends. Thank you so much for leaving one. 💜 Many blessings dear friends.