August 9, 2017

Sculpture & Human Interaction

Having been occupied with family these past two weeks and not having much to post, I thought a repeat post from last year would be interesting again. I love bronze sculpture placed on benches all over the world. Here are three that caught my fancy. I call it "Sculpture & Human Interaction"

Woman giving advice to the man on the bench who was sketching the building, but had become petrified with age. :) - Camino Frances 2015

Sit-by-me "Newspaper Reader" Statue and Woman reading together - Buffalo, New York

The bronze man reads 'The Island Times' on a park bench and doesn't like the man reading over his shoulder. :)
Hopefully I'll get back to blog posting and visiting you all again, soon. Until next time dear friends and family, be blessed.

August 6, 2017

Elena's Things To See

My daughter spent today at New Smyrna Beach in Florida. It is the number one beach in the world for shark attacks. They sell T-Shirts in the store, "Shark Bite Capital Of The World". Her photos taken at the beach are Morning Glories, her feet in the sand and beach umbrellas.

Thank you all for your prayers. My family and I really appreciate the love and care you've shown us. I wish you all a lovely and blessed day ahead.

August 4, 2017

Friday Photo Friends ~ Wild Flowers

I love wild flowers and there are many in my area. Here are two kinds I enjoy seeing during the summer. The top photo is a Wood Anemone a Native wildflower in Columbia County, NY and the bottom of course is a Tiger Lily which are both wild and hybrid bulbs that can be bought. Tiger lilies thrive well in moist to wet soils and hence grow well near ditches. The Third photo is a blue wild flowers that I don't know what it's called. I just thought it was pretty.

Please keep my sister Phyllis in prayer as she was taken to the hospital by ambulance yesterday afternoon with 103 temperature plus other problems. They are taking tests and biopsies for some kind of infections on her body and no, it's not pneumonia. I won't be around much as I'll be in the hospital with my sister Louise. Thank you.

If you're interested in joining the Friday Foto Friends you can visit Debbie by clicking on her name. Until next time dear friends have a lovely weekend.

August 2, 2017

Wednesday's Poetry Day Picnic By The Lake

Looking through photos on my laptop I found this photo of a family picnic taken in the Summer of 2015 at a picnic in Dutchman's Landing a park in Catskill and it reminded me of a poem I wrote since we don't really have family picnics anymore. Life and families have changed with work and family everyday goings on. That's me in the orange blouse, my son sitting on my right and my sister Louise across from me.

Picnic By The Lake

Alone I'm sitting near my blanket with a picnic basket close by,
And reminiscing of family outings by the lake and softly sigh.

Memories of happy summer days filling baskets at break of dawn,
Those days of family gatherings that now have long since gone.

Summer meant a picnic at a nearby lake on a warm and sunny day
Before the lush green grass and leaves on trees soon fade away.

As I sit here in my chair watching sailboats cruising on the lake
I daydream of past family picnic outings half asleep and yet awake.

Yes, those sweet memories of a long ago happy summer day
Lives on forever in my mind and hopefully never fades away.

Toni Taddeo ©

That's actually the Hudson River and the Rip Van Winkle Bridge in the background. The photo was taken with a cellphone and is a little blurry, I'm not sure who took the photo. Many of the younger family members went on a hike when the photo was taken. Until the next time my friends, have a day of blessings. 💜