October 1, 2017

The General Store

Here's this week's Toni's Creative Adventures   Please do not copy from here. Go to the Toni's Creative Adventures blog to copy the meme questions by clicking on the graphic below the meme and add your name & blog to Mister Linky. Thank you.

The General Store

1.   While driving home from a ride in the country, you happen to spot a large victorian type old-fashioned general store at the end of a side road. Thinking it might be nice to buy something to take home, you drive up the long driveway and can't help noticing - how empty the place looks and wonder what it looks like inside.

2.   Parking the car anyway, you walk up the steps to a big front porch that wraps around the building. Upon reaching the door you - turn the knob and find it open, half hesitating but not letting it stop you, you slowly walk inside.

3.   Once inside the store you wander around and walk upstairs to the second floor and notice you are the only one there except for - what looks like a 4 foot high ragdoll behind the counter. You are thrilled to see so many handmade crafts, candles, lovely country fair type stuff, etc.. You say out loud to yourself, "this is such a wonderful place to wander around and find great crafty things to buy, too bad no one is here to help me!". Just then a voice from behind said, "I'm here, can I help?" Turning around startled you realize the voice came from the 4 foot high ragdoll behind the counter who turned out to be the fully alive proprietress. "Don't worry" she said, "I only dress like this to please my country store local customers". Smiling and now calmed down, she helps you pick out many wonderful craft items to buy and save as family holiday gifts.

4.   Finally leaving the general store, you remember to remind yourself - that you will return to this wonderful store. Happily you put all the bags of wonderful crafts you bought in your car and waving goodbye to the wonderful and friendly proprietress, you drive off home,

I hope you join in and play along too. In the meantime dear friends have a blessed day ahead.


  1. I enjoyed your story Toni!
    Places like that are fun to visit and you never know what you might find in them.
    I will be doing this one tomorrow.
    Hope Sunday has been a good day for you.

  2. I love old general stores, what an adventure, browsing the day away. When I lived in Canada there were old general stores like that, I always enjoyed spending time in them.


I love seeing comments from family and friends. Thank you so much for leaving one. 💜 Many blessings dear friends.