October 25, 2017

Wednesday's Poetry Day ~ Falling Rain

Yesterday it was such a dark and dreary day with a steady rain coming down and hitting my windows all day long. It was so quiet around here that I spent the day not accomplishing much of anything. So here is my poem for today that reflected yesterday.

Falling Rain

Darkend daylight and steady rain
Strangly soothing on window pane

Birds in background chirping too
Softly I hum following their cue

Even the clouds moving in time
Make for a day drearly sublime

Cool and yet still warming my soul
Weather right now is in control

Eyes closed relaxing no strain
Enjoying the sound of falling rain.

Toni Taddeo ©

Thought For The Day

Hope you enjoyed my "Falling Rain" poem. Not much else to post so until the next time my friends, have a day of blessings.


  1. It rained here all day on Monday. Today is going to beautiful and cool!
    Have a good day!

  2. Ugh, it rained here Monday night all the way into Tuesday, the wind was something else. Your temp over in Germantown says 56, its 43* here in western NY, smiles.

    Beautiful poem, Toni, you are so talented, more smiles.

  3. Rained here yesterday all day and it was really nice. today it is cloudy and drizzly at times. My fish love the rain when it falls on the ponds.
    I enjoyed your poem but I love all of them. You get the best pictures to go along with them and then your words bring it alive for me.
    So glad you share your poems.
    I wish I was closer so we could have coffee sometimes. I know I'd love that.
    Have a lovely Wednesday.

  4. I love your poem. I could almost hear the falling rain as I read it. It can be very soothing. Good day to curl up and read a book!! Have a blessed and glorious day.

  5. I did enjoy your poem, you are so talented! I love rainy days, it makes the house cozy!!


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