November 13, 2017

The Simple Woman's Daybook (November Edition)

Here's my Simple Woman's Daybook for November. You can join in to Peggy's SWD meme. I like the fact that it's done once a month and anytime of the month. I always enjoyed it.


Outside my window... it's starting to feel more like winter with temps in the 20's, 30's and low 40's. All the trees are pretty much bare now. This photo gives me the cold chills already!

I am thinking... about the upcoming holidays. I'll be spending Thanksgiving with my sisters and their families but I will miss not being able to see my children and grandchildren. They either live in other states or will be with another side of the family.
I am thankful... that right now all is well with me and my family.
One of my favorite things... is writing poetry although the past month I seem to have writer's block. Not to worry it'll come back to me again. And also reading which I seem to not get into the reading mode. I've also gotten lazy with blogging more. That's why I love the meme posting for I don't have much to write about and it's easier answering memes like this right now.
I am creating... nothing right now except this post.
I am wearing... T-shirt, jeans and sandals right now.
I am reading... Again not much of anything.
I am hoping... I'll get enough energy to get ready to decorate for the holidays. Going to other family homes makes it harder to decorate my own. But I will decorate for Christmas by the end of the month.
I am learning... to not be so organized and just relax a little more. This is hard for me as I'm so obsessive and compulsive about it and I know it will take me a long time.
In my kitchen... there is not much going on right now as I'm getting a little lazy about cooking for myself. My lunch of New England Clam Chowder (courtesy of Progresso) with croutons and coffee shows how lazy I've gotten right now.

Post Script... Here's a link to my meme blog: Toni's Creative Adventures. Hope you try it as it's a lot of fun.

A Favorite Quote Of Mine from Lucy Maud Montgomery author of Anne of Green Gables... "Anne, sitting at her tower window one late November evening, with her pen at her lip and dreams in her eyes, looked out on a twilight world and suddenly thought she would like a walk to the old graveyard. She had never visited it yet, preferring the birch and maple grove or the harbor road for her evening rambles. But there is always a November space after the leaves have fallen when she felt it was almost indecent to intrude on the woods…for their glory terrestrial had departed and their glory celestial of spirit and purity and whiteness had not yet come upon them."

Closing Notes...Later this evening it's pot luck over my sister Louise's. We all bring a dish to share. She has whoever wants to show up on Mondays twice a month. We are truly a close family. Well, not much else to post and so dear friends and family have a day of blessings.


  1. You are so blessed to have a close family, Toni. I would love to come over and have soup with you, smiles. Something tells me, my husband will have decorated by the time I get home from the hosp.wink. He mentioned something along the lines, "I want you to come home and smile and relax and know everything is done." I ought to be worried, right????? lolol

  2. Pot lucks are such fun. I am so glad you are close to your family now.
    I was looking at Germantown online. It's a really nice place but then I really do like upstate NY a lot and always thought it was so pretty.
    Progresso makes good soup I think. My kids used to love the little oyster crackers in their soup. I know Progresso has a lovely Italian Wedding Soup too. Did you ever try that one?
    I enjoyed reading your daybook and getting a glimpse into what is going on.
    I might start back up a meme again. Thinking about it anyway.

  3. Pot luck at your sister's. . . what a great way to spend an evening.


I love seeing comments from family and friends. Thank you so much for leaving one. 💜 Many blessings dear friends.