January 5, 2018

Friday Foto Friends ~ For The Love Of Ivy

I've been sick the past week and a half down with the flu and haven't been visiting friends online. My eyes burn and the pain in my ribs and chest are horrible and so I'm repeating a Friday Foto Friends from last year. One of another unusual thing I found on the web. I titled it:

For the Love Of Ivy

Courtyard of the Plaza Athenee Paris, France

Ivy Overgrown House London

Juba Life New Zealand
Now as for me I would worry about how many creepy crawlies are nestled in all that Ivy. Yucky!!

If you're interested in joining the Friday Foto Friends you can visit Debbie by clicking on her name. Until next time dear friends have a lovely and blessed weekend.


  1. I love seeing ivy, although I am allergic to it...I pray you get to feeling better.

  2. Bless your heart....I'm so very sorry that you're feeling so terrible. I've heard the flu this year is so bad. I agree about the ivy...creepy crawlies...plus, my Dad always told me that the roots of it would destroy the brick mortar!

  3. Beautiful, but I'm with you. I'd worry about what is living in that ivy too.

    Hope you feel better soon. Stay warm and have a blessed weekend.

  4. I'm thinking the same thing! As pretty as it is how many creatures are making their home in it all. Hope you're feeling better.

  5. Ivy has begun creeping up my house in the front. Virginia Creeper is on the side but I like it and keep it in check. It can be destructive if you don't. No creepy crawlies really.
    It's 14F here and more snow on the way.
    Keep bundled up and lots of water please. Coffee dehydrates so drink a ton of water to get rid of this flu!! Don't make me have to come up there LOL.
    Feel better soon. Prayers for your health.

  6. I think ivy really looks wonderful on old buildings.


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