May 6, 2018

Did You Know!

Coffee Facts: The Bean

Coffee farmers devote a lot of energy and time into growing and harvesting coffee trees (YES, that’s right coffee does grow on trees) to make sure you get that perfect cup of coffee. In case you didn’t know, the coffee bean is actually the pit of a cherry after these cherries get pitted the coffee bean is then dried and processed. And before you ask, yes, they are edible and non-toxic to humans. Coffee cherries, as they are properly called, are a thin papery skin and attached mucilage (what we think of as the flesh of the fruit). Coffee cherries are consumed as a drink, cascara, by coffee farmers in Latin America they are mild in flavor and slightly sweet. The flavor is somewhat reminiscent of other red fruits, like a mild mix of fruits like raspberry, red mulberry, currant, cranberry, cherry, raisin.

There are basically two verities of commercially viable coffee beans the Arabica beans (Coffea Arabica) and Robusta beans (Coffea canephora var. Robusta). However, there are actually around 70 types of Coffea (the flowering plants that produce coffee beans), but most are simply not palatable. If you want the best tasting coffee opt for the Arabica beans since they have a wider variety of aromas and balanced flavors. Arabica beans also tend to have more trigonelline and diterpenes (kahweol and cafestol).


Me! As a coffee drinker all my life but not from birth...LOL! Never knew this. And now that both you and I now know these facts my friends, how about joining me in a cup of delicious hot coffee. I'll pour, you drink. Any tea drinkers here please bring your own tea. I'll supply the water, creme and/or lemon and honey.


My hands are feeling better but I won't push it like I did before and I will be visiting blogs. I've cut down on drawing new graphics and less writing. With that aside my friends, be blessed until next time.


  1. I did not know this!

    Can you eat the cherries?

  2. Interesting information. I didn't know much of this. I have to look up trigonelline and diterpenes . I know they are esters but, I have to look into them more.
    The Mayo Clinic has a slideshow of exercises to help with arthritis pain in the hands if that might be of some help.(I am a fanatic for physical therapy since my spinal surgery. It is the greatest!)
    I would so love having coffee with you one day.

  3. I am always ready for a fresh, hot cuppa coffee!!


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