May 9, 2018

Wednesday's Poetry Day ~ The Maypole

I wrote this poem from memories of my childhood. I remember being at a park with my parents and dancing round the Maypole with other children. I must have been very young for it's mostly a faded memory now.

Round The Maypole

Round and round under and over they go,
The little children with streamers in hand.
Hanging from the metal pole in the park,
With music playing from the local band.

Passing their parents holding little ones,
With others watching applauding them all.
Round the maypole they happily go,
Laughing, skipping, hoping not to fall.

So long ago I too danced around the pole
As a child with a streamer in my hand
Round and round, under and over I would go
While music played from the local park band.

Toni Taddeo ©


Have any of you memories of dancing round the Maypole? Sad to say I haven't seen one in years myself only in old films and photos like the photo up above. Until the next time my friends, have a day of blessings.


  1. I slightly remember doing this in grammar school/

  2. Awe, cute poem. Happy Mother's Day to you. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  3. I think they do it more in Europe than here. May Day came to be associated with communism and so I think it fell into disrepute in America.
    I am so glad your are feeling a bit better.
    I enjoyed the poem but then I always love your poems.

  4. Hi Toni, I enjoyed your poem. I remember a May Day celebration when I was a child. It also makes me think of the merry go rounds we had at the park. I loved them! I loved laying on my back and watching the sky as I went around and around. I was just telling my grands about all the time we spent outside playing. Thanks for visiting my site. Hugs

  5. I know we did this in elementary school...and it was such fun. I wish more people would do this today. I saw a friend's pictures on Facebook...their high school kids had a May Pole Dance! I was very happy to see that...and it was like the traditional Maypole. So it does still exist!! Have a blessed day. Love your poems...and so good to hear from you.


I love seeing comments from family and friends. Thank you so much for leaving one. 💜 Many blessings dear friends.