July 11, 2018

Wednesday Poetry Day ~ Where Have They Gone?

Watching some youngsters a couple of weeks ago, laughing with not a care in the world and thinking what it would be like for them as elderly people and what kind of memories it would evoke, I suddenly jotted down this poem. Now mind you this is not my memories or thoughts. Lately I've been on a roll and wrote 6 brand new poems this past month.

Where Have They Gone?

Thinking back to days of old
Those days of thoughts of me
When I was young and foolish
Not caring what life will be

I'd spend each wasting day
Daydreaming instead of doing
The things that were important
For my future worth pursuing

How many childhoods are wasted
If as that wise saying does go
If I only knew then what I know now
Then again, I was too young to know

Oh, where are those days of old
The days with thoughts of me
When I was very young and foolish
Never caring what life would be.

Toni Taddeo ©

Thought For The Day


Have A Day Of Blessings Dear Family and Friends.


  1. Wow, I have to say this is one of your best poems Toni. Really good. You captured this so well.

  2. Very very nice, Toni! I love the picture above the poem. Reading the poem while viewing the picture made me feel as if I was reading this dear lady's heart. Thanks so much for sharing!

    1. Thank you Dianna, I'm glad you liked it. :)

  3. So beautiful and full of truth. Oh, to be able to re-do so many of those wasted days. (insert sad face) You're so talented, sweet Lady. Love your poetry!

    1. Thank you so much Debbie. It's appreciated. :)

  4. Loved this poem, Nana! I read it to Dominic while we were in the car yesterday :) We love you!

    1. Love both of you more 💜 💜

  5. If only we knew then what we know now, how different our lives could be! But alas! That is all a part of growing up: making mistakes and learning from them as we mature and grow. Experience seems to be our best teacher. Loved the poem. I'm finding it harder and harder to even remember what I thought back in the day...I just know I wouldn't want to do it over again.

    1. LOL! Neither would I want to do it over again.

  6. Love this poem-so meaningful


I love seeing comments from family and friends. Thank you so much for leaving one. 💜 Many blessings dear friends.