August 3, 2018

Friday Foto Friends ~ Nature's Natural Beauties

I love wild flowers and there are many in my area. And every once in awhile I'll post the ones I enjoy seeing during the summer. Two most common here are the Wood Anemone a Native wildflower in Columbia County, NY and of course the Tiger Lily which are both wild and hybrid bulbs that can be bought. Seeing a field of wild flowers are a joy to see.

Tiger Lily

Wood Anemone

Common Violet

Quote Of The Day
If you're interested in joining the Friday Foto Friends you can visit Debbie by clicking on her name here or her ~Logo on the Left Side Menu~ . It's a wonderful group of ladies that participates. Until next time dear friends have a lovely weekend.


  1. Beautiful photos-enjoy your art and poetry!!

  2. I love wildflowers and natural beauties around us. That is one of the joys of taking my camera with me everywhere I go...if I see something I like, I take a picture to remember it and share it with the world! Makes me happy, and I hope it makes others happy too. That is why I love our Friday Foto Friends day!! Such a delight to see what others are seeing out there!!! Thank you!! Be blessed today my friend.

  3. Beautiful flowers - love this post. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Those little wildflowers are lovely. The springtime always bring us so many wildflowers to enjoy until summer comes. Wish they bloomed all summer.

  5. Flowers are so pretty, I really love the lilies!!

  6. All of these are beautiful. I especially love the tiger lilies.

  7. Beautiful photos, Toni. I've missed visiting here. I finally got my blog going again! Have a blessed weekend!

  8. Beautiful flowers! I just love upstate NY so much.

  9. doesn't look like we will make it over there before school starts, sad to say. Smiles

  10. Such beautiful flowers that grow in the wild...I had no idea that Tiger Lilies grow in the wild like that! They were another of my grandmother's favorites. Thank you for sharing these beautiful flowers, Toni.

  11. I'm running sooooo behind! We had our grandboy, then had to attend a funeral, checking on my Mom several times, church this morning....and I took a nap!!! LOL Loved all your flower fotos! HOPE you're having a great SONday!


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