August 1, 2018

Wednesday's Poetry Day ~ A Reader Of Many Books

I think by now every one knows that I'm a lover of many books especially fiction mysteries that I'm crazy about and every one who knows me can say without guessing who my favorite authors are. After posting on my blog this past Monday as I sat by my laptop I suddenly had the urge to write a new poem about, you guessed it! Books!! Here's the result.

A Reader Of Many Books

Many mystery books I have read
Stories that have kept me guessing
Who and why the deed was done
Until the end are then confessing

Favorite authors that I enjoy
Plots and words a joy to read
Their creations to me a wonder
Do keep me reading more indeed

My collection of books keep growing
I prefer a hard cover book to hold
Made with talent and leather bound
Written mysteries of days of old

The book of faith always ever near
The blessed Word of Our Lord above
Is the first and always by my side
Each scripture fills me with His love

Yes I am a reader of many books
With plots and words a joy to read
Their creations to me a wonder
Will keep me reading more indeed.

Toni Taddeo ©
Thought For Today

Until next time dear family and friends have a day of blessings.


  1. Good job on the poem. Thanks for sharing with us. I am a 'book reader' as well, and keep one handy at all times. Blessings to you today!

  2. You know, as many books I have, I probably could open my own store, lol. Great poem, Toni. Hope you have a lovely day friend. smiles

  3. Another great poem!! I love books too and have many. . . it hurts too bad to get rid of even one. So my collection continues to grow. I also prefer a hard cover over a paper back, I know they are more expensive but I feel well worth it.

  4. I enjoyed your poem about books so much, Toni. Very nicely done. Have a lovely Wednesday evening.

  5. What a wonderful poem! I love mysteries too so I'm going to peek around at your blog and see what you're reading! Hugs, Diane


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