July 30, 2018

I'm Booking Today

I was always an avid reader and used to read 2-3 books a week. Although I've slowed down in my reading, it's still one of my favorite pastimes. Here are 3 questions on this old "Book Meme" and my answers. Feel free to copy the questions if you would like to use them on your blog. (P.S. Photo not mine 👩).
Most stories are about people. Some authors are better with descriptions of places or things or weaving a tale than they are with character development. Some authors make the characters really come alive, seem like flesh and blood individuals with wills of their own, not merely the creation of someone’s imagination.

1  What author that you remember having read does the best character development? What book/series do you think is that author’s shining work with regards to character development?
In my opinion there are many but I would say Agatha Christie in regards to character developments and stories.

2  What was (were) your favorite character(s) in that book or series?  I have two. First Hercule Poirot and second Miss Marple.
2a  Do you ever find yourself really liking a character in a book that you’re certain you would never be friends with in real life?  Absolutely NO. I think I would be friends with both of them in real life.
2b  Do you ever re-read a book to visit a character because you miss him/her?  All the time. I can't count how many times I've read both the Poirot and Miss Marple series. I own the books and I never tire of reading them. I even have their complete DVD series and have watched them on ROKU through the Britbox App.

When growing up did your family share your love of books? If so, did one person get you into reading? And, do you have any family-oriented memories with books and reading? (Family trips to bookstore, reading the same book as a sibling or parent, etc.)?  When I was a child, reading books was the way to go for enjoyment. I had no real influence as I just loved to read and at Christmas and my birthdays my aunts would always give me books. First and foremost was and is The Bible. I grew up with all the great classics like Dickens, Cristie, Austin, Tolkein, Lewis, Verne, Wells, Alcott, Montgomery, etc.. and I still enjoy reading them today. My father used to love anything science fiction and I remember sneaking his books at night and reading them in my room after everyone was sleeping. Besides getting books as gifts and sneaking my father's books, I was a regular at the school and neighborhood library. And when I had the money I would buy books for myself at the local book store.
My Latest Book I'm Reading
Of Course It's A Mystery

Short Discription: Lady Emily Hardcastle is an eccentric widow with a secret past. Florence Armstrong, her maid and confidante, is an expert in martial arts. The year is 1908 and they’ve just moved from London to the country, hoping for a quiet life. But it is not long before Lady Hardcastle is forced out of her self-imposed retirement. There’s a dead body in the woods, and the police are on the wrong scent. Lady Hardcastle makes some enquiries of her own, and it seems she knows a surprising amount about crime investigation....
Quote Of The Day
Do you read? What is your favorite book or books? Let me know what books you like to read if you do. And now until the next time dear family and friends have a day of blessings.


  1. I love to read although I'm not the reader I used to be. Book characters come to life for me and when I finish a book I find myself thinking of them like they were real.

  2. I love to read, and mysteries are my favorite and hold my attention. As I have grown older I dont read nearly as much, but keep a book handy at all times.

  3. I love mysteries and historical biographies. In the summer, I usually read 2-3 a week. When the semester starts back for school, all I read is textbooks, lol.

    Have a great day friend.

  4. I tried to set up a blog but so problematic I deleted it
    The cookies thing and all
    Enjoy yours

  5. Agatha Christie the best-read over and over,,,
    My favorite mystery writer after her is Carlene
    Thompson-her books got my students reading!!!!
    I read a book almost every morning as I am probably what one might call a speed reader. Since retiring, I go to the library twice a week!!!
    I enjoy blogs and tried to start one but gave up! Problematic!

    Keep reading and writing!

    I love all the blogs I have found but don't love the one where someone picks a tv show or whatever and asks questions--

  6. P s
    Your blog one of best ever

  7. I love to read! I always have. My paternal grandfather started that trend with me...not because he was a great reader himself, but because from the time I was two or three until the time I started school he read my Golden Books to me every single morning.
    I can remember as a teenager taking a box of chocolate covered cherries and a stack of books to my bedroom and spending the weekend there.

    I love your quote for the day because it is so true. We read to our children from the time they were born and as they grew older there was a family tradition for the winter months. The kids and their dad would read the encyclopedias through...starting with A and going through Z. And both of them are thinkers to this day!

  8. I am not a reader....only kid books when I am reading to the class, but it is so funny you would mention Agatha Christie again! I know you are a fan from past posts! Karl and I watched Murder on the Orient Express back in the winter and I enjoyed it so much I actually wanted to start reading mysteries like that...well fast forward to the summer. Josh and I watched Dial M for Murder the other night and I only thought it was ok. I was thinking about Agatha Christie again and wondering what other movies we could watch. I did remember your favorites were Poirot and Miss Marple. I was going to ask you if there were good movies to watch. I was seriously just thinking about it Sunday night. So funny. I am glad you mentioned it. I will have to keep an eye out. Hope you have a nice week!
    I just made a new post about Josh. :(

  9. This was fun! I love so many of the same authors and books that you do! Happy reading!


I love seeing comments from family and friends. Thank you so much for leaving one. 💜 Many blessings dear friends.