September 7, 2018

Friday Foto Friends ~ Amazing Art

Not having taken any photos myself and everyone knows I've always been fascinated by street and building art. I usually manage to find something that catches my eye and believe me this amazing 3D sidewalk chalk art did. I admire the attention to detail in the lighting effects from the painted scene. So there is more than just perspective trickery. I'm guessing the boy on the left is the artist Nikolaj Arndt's son who is also the angel model. Titled  (what else!)  "Guardian Angel©"

His Biography states:  Nikolaj Arndt was born on May 11, 1975 in a little town in Russia named Gavrilov Posad. He made his studies at a Pedagogic Artist College. During the following 10 years, he lived in the city Iwanovo and had often the chance to pursue his passion of painting. In 2006, Nikolaj Arndt moved to Germany. Since 2009 he participates at street art festivals in different cities and states, applying his technique of 3D art. He currently teaches at a private art school.

Quotes For Today

If you're interested in joining the Friday Foto Friends you can visit Debbie by clicking on her name or her ~Logo on the Left Side Menu~ . It's a wonderful group of ladies that participates. Until next time dear family and friends have a lovely weekend.


  1. How cool is that! Amazing stuff people do with art.

  2. Sidewalk art has always fascinated me, and this picture is no exception. Thanks for posting and happy Friday!

  3. I've seen photos of art like this before, perhaps from the same artist? So real looking! Thanks for sharing!

  4. Thank you for sharing the chalk art, as well as the other images that you shared. All are lovely.


I love seeing comments from family and friends. Thank you so much for leaving one. 💜 Many blessings dear friends.