November 19, 2018

My Day So Far

I'm joining in on Melanie's meme. A weekly Monday meme. Hope You join in too.

The date today:  November 19th, 2018

How's the weather?  Winter like with a possible high of 42 degrees and morning showers.

What are you wearing?  A lounge set unless I have to go out, and sandals. I use sandals indoors in place of slippers.

What chore around the house have you been putting off?  Closets cleaning. I hate any kind of work that has me bending and lifting for my body can't handle that anymore. Time to get my son to stop by on his way from work to help. He has no problem with this as he comes running whenever I ask him as I rarely ask. He is my pride and joy.

A scripture verse you'd like to share.

How about a creative project you are working on? One in progress or one still in your head.  Nothing special just some Winter graphics for my blog.

A funny graphic, photo or quote?

Any parting thoughts?  I've reopened two of my older blogs this past week.

Tuesday 4 Meme

Toni's Country Diner

If you get a chance check them out.

Until the next time dear family and friends have a day of blessings


  1. Hope your day is warm and cozy, Toni.

  2. I love the recipe on your "country diner" blog. Hope you have a cozy day today...stay warm! Praying you have a happy Thanksgiving with loved ones near!!! Take care and don't overdo it. Glad you have a son nearby to help with the lifting, etc. That means so much. I don't know what I'd do without my "boys"!

  3. Nice thing that you have a wonderful helpful son. I enjoyed the Charlie Brown cartoon. Enjoy your Thanksgiving :-)

  4. Thank you for joining in! I got my entry up late this morning. I'm looking forward to your Tuesday 4 Meme tomorrow! My son put air in my tires and checked things over before he brought my car back to me so I understand your appreciation for your son! Have a blessed day, my friend.

  5. I am also joining in today. Enjoyed your answers.

  6. I just visited Toni's Country Diner for the first time!! WoW, I loved the visit, love the header and really loved the recipe you shared. It's going in my box of recipes!!


I love seeing comments from family and friends. Thank you so much for leaving one. 💜 Many blessings dear friends.