January 25, 2019

Friday Foto Friends ~ Grist & Windmills

I was always fascinated with old Grist and Windmills and thought I would portray three beautiful ones I found years ago online. I'm including a poem I wrote about these majestic machines too.

Grist And Windmills

Round the Grist and Windmill turn
Gristmill needed to mill the grain
Windmill needed to pump ground water
These Mills on farms must maintain

Rotating energy of wheels and blades
Converting the wind into energy means
Great gristmills and old windmills
The Farmers love these great machines

Yes watch as grist and windmill turn
One by the water to mill the grain
Both always needed to pump up water
The Windmills on farms do maintain

Toni Taddeo ©

Click The Graphic to join in on Debbie's Friday Foto Friends

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Until next time dear family and friends have a lovely weekend.


  1. Hi Toni, I enjoyed your poem and pictures. I added a lot at my site. Happy Friday!

  2. Exceptional photos!
    You seem to be a perfect photographer, I am impressed !
    My sky...
    Warm regards from Germany

  3. Your lovely poem is beautifully illustrated. I too am fascinated by old mills.

  4. Love these old grist/windmills. So sad that they are mostly gone now. Love your poem too. What lovely, peaceful pictures of days gone by.

  5. Interesting pictures and lovely poem this morning.

  6. My favorite is the second image...picture perfect!

  7. Windmills are great but I love the grist mill pictures! You always amaze me with your poems!! Hope you're having a great Friday.

  8. You're so talented, Ms. Toni. I loved all the fotos you shared! HOPE your weekend is great...stay warm and safe!

  9. Wow, love these pictures and the poem. Imagine the ability to create a mill like that.

  10. Toni, I love the pictures you have shared here! They are just beautiful...and your poem is wonderful!

  11. These are all beautiful and I like the poem!

  12. I love last picture. Dream like colors looks so nice.


I love seeing comments from family and friends. Thank you so much for leaving one. 💜 Many blessings dear friends.