January 13, 2019

The Unconscious Mutterings

Here's last week's Unconscious Mutterings meme. I really enjoy doing this meme and I missed doing it as It's fun and all you do is answer with the first thought that comes to your mind for each question. Usually one word answers will do. Most of the time I answer tongue in cheek and more than one word. 😉

1. Scrabble ~ Favorite Word Game
2. Gin ~ Rummy
3. Problems ~ Solved
4. Agreement ~ Between Two
5. Superior ~ No One Is..
6. Cough ~ Cover Your Mouth
7. Resolved ~ For The Best
9. Joy ~ Happiness
10. Beginning ~ Ending
11. Plan ~ Ahead

Thought For Today

Until next time dear family and friends have a day of blessings


  1. I would say some of the same things.......have a blessed Sunday.

  2. Love that Charlie Brown picture!

  3. Hmm...I would of said the same things, smiles. Hope you have a lovely day, friend...cold, cold, cold here in Western NY.

  4. Love that Charlie Brown wisdom! Good one-word answers!


I love seeing comments from family and friends. Thank you so much for leaving one. 💜 Many blessings dear friends.