January 30, 2019

Wednesday's Poetry Day ~ Winter Waterfall

Seeing a photo of a frozen waterfall in winter reminded me of a short poem I wrote a few years ago and thought I would post it for today. Let me know what you think.

Winter Waterfall

Winter waterfall silent and still
The long icy tendrils stop its cascade.

Just frozen in place suspended in time
Like a brushless painting with camera made.

Longing, waiting for an early spring's thaw
to allow it to finish its majestic downpour.

Winter waterfall silent and still
Soon to flow steady and ready to spill.

Toni Taddeo ©

Thought For The Day

Until the next time dear family and friends, have a day of blessings.


  1. Always enjoy your poems. A wonderful description of winter.

  2. That is so beautiful, Toni! I love the poem, and that picture of the frozen waterfall is just gorgeous. Isn't it amazing how water can freeze in space? Thank you for sharing this today.


I love seeing comments from family and friends. Thank you so much for leaving one. 💜 Many blessings dear friends.