February 1, 2019

Friday Foto Friends & Skywatch ~ Winter Snow

Didn't have much to post as the frigid weather kept me indoors and very lazy. 😉 Here are photos taken this past week in my area and even though two may have been seen on Facebook, I thought I would post them here for those who haven't seen them. The first two were taken by me and the third one was taken by a fellow resident from his backyard with the Catskill Mountains in the background. I thought it was beautiful enough to be shown here. The last two are white out early morning.


Click The Graphic to join in on Debbie's Friday Foto Friends

Click On → Skywatch Friday ← To join in.

Until next time dear family and friends have a lovely weekend.


  1. I can't imagine all that snow. We got a lot of rain today with more on its way. We freeze with the weather in the 50's! Stay warm and cozy Toni. Hugs

  2. Our snow and temps don't even compare. Aren't you so grateful for heat these cold winter days .. and my electric blanket! Happy weekend to you, sweet Lady 💜

  3. Beautiful winter landscapes and the last two have me shivering!

  4. Love the the pics.... the frigid temps kept me in as well. Have a great week!

  5. My, that's a lot of snow! Very pretty winter shots. Stay warm and enjoy your weekend!

  6. I like the first one the best.
    Coffee is on

  7. brrrr...just looking at your pictures gave me a chill! I know it's very cold but it's so pretty to look at. I can say that because I live in Texas and never experience all that snow!!

  8. I love your beautiful snow pictures... That church always makes such a lovely picture in all seasons. And the one with the mountains in the background is so beautiful. I know it is very cold and I am sorry you are unable to get out much, but at least you do have a lovely view!! Please take care when you do have to go out. I know how treacherous that snow turning to ice can be. Take care my friend, and stay warm!


I love seeing comments from family and friends. Thank you so much for leaving one. 💜 Many blessings dear friends.