February 3, 2019

Weekend In Review #1

Joining in on Jodi's → Weekend In Review ← for the first time. All you do is tell how your day on Friday, Saturday and Sunday was spent.


Friday:   Today my monthly food shopping from Shoprite Supermarkets was delivered and it took me awhile to put everything away. Did some light housekeeping and spent the rest of the day watching TV and on my laptop creating some new spring graphics for my blog. I'm toying with the fact of changing the whole look of my blog but I'm not sure what I'll do yet. Update Friday afternoon: I did change the look of my blog a little, not bad, I'll get used to it.

Saturday:   Busy day today around the apartment. Laundry to do, vacuuming which is easy really with my Shark ION Robot, and furniture polishing and dusting too. Later on I'll make my own minestrone soup, it's my own recipe and will last for 5-6 lunches. When all is done I'll get in my recliner and watch some old mystery movies as I'll probably barely won't be able to move. 😊

Sunday:   Today is a real lazy day for me with the frigid cold and the aches and pains that the weather brings on. I really am feeling it this year with the past week of artic and snow storm weather. Especially the arthritis in my fingers. I will probably get in some reading and Bible study.

    Thought For Today

    Until the next time dear family and friends have a blessed day


    1. I like the idea of the 'Weekend in Review' and may be joining in.

    2. Its suppose to warm up for a few days into the 40-50's and then drop through the tank again by the weekend...it is NY, in the winter time, lol.

      Keeping you in prayer, Toni.

    3. I hope you are feeling better today. Arthritis is awful. Praying for your healing and comfort. Hope warmer weather is on the way for you.
      I really liked hearing about your weekend. Maybe I will do this tomorrow.

    4. A great meme here. I'll join in next week. I hope your arthritis is doing better. We have warmer temps today and it feels so good.

    5. I hope you hands get better, do you wear gloves to help keep them warm. My Daddy used to wear a white cotton glove, he said it helped. Hang on for warmer weather!!

      1. Yes I wear fingerless gloves made for arthritis or I wouldn't be able to type at all. Thank you all for your prayers and wishing me well. 💜 💜 💜

    6. Your blog looks lovely. I am sorry you are in such pain with arthritis. It is no fun. I find that when I overdo it, like cleaning house all in one day when I should spread it out over the week, my body just can't take it and then I have a day of needed rest and recuperation. I guess as we age we just can't keep up the pace that we once did. I have to keep reminding myself of that when I start tackling things that just have to be done right now!! LOL. Praying for your weather to warm up soon. Minestrone soup sounds good.

    7. Oh my goodness... I so forget to do my own meme... thanks for playing along.. I have mine up for this week.. come play along again!! Have a great week!


    I love seeing comments from family and friends. Thank you so much for leaving one. 💜 Many blessings dear friends.