March 22, 2019

Friday Foto Friends & Skywatch Friday ~ Around The Neighborhood

Thought I would show some photos from around my neighborhood for those who haven't seen them before. I live near the Hudson River across from the Catskill Mountains in a town called Germantown in Columbia County upstate NY. It's a beautiful rural area about 2-1/2 hours above New York City. The three top photos shown are by the Hudson River in nearby parks. The last two are about a mile away on the main road in Germantown with the Catskill Mountains across the river.

Cheviot Park

Hudson Park With The Hudson-Athens Lighthouse

Catskill Park

Sharp's Landing Rt. 9-G Germantown


Click The Graphic to join in on Debbie's Friday Foto Friends

Click On → Skywatch Friday ← To join in.

Until next time dear family and friends have a lovely weekend.


  1. You truly do live in a beautiful area! I would love to visit that part of NY some time. We forget that New York state isn't all about New York City!! So happy for you that you live away from there!! So happy also that we can join up again at Friday Foto Friends. Hope you have a blessed and beautiful day and weekend.

  2. It was such a surprise to me the first time we visited New York that it was such a beautiful state. I never wanted to visit NYC, but did enjoy it. NY is much different than I imagined and you are blessed to live in the peaceful area.

  3. You are so lucky to live in such a nice area. Best wishes.

    God bless.

  4. You live in a beautiful, scenic area. I like the little lighthouse!

  5. I like the scenes that you choose for photos--a lot like mine! Nicely done :)

  6. Oh my word! I've visited the City, but never ventured into northern New York. That splendid song lyric just popped into my head, "Take my breath away." Have a great day!

  7. What a beautiful part of the country you live in. Such great fotos. I was in New York City as a high school Senior but would love to visit again as an adult. Thanks so much for sharing your fotos on FFF.


I love seeing comments from family and friends. Thank you so much for leaving one. 💜 Many blessings dear friends.