April 15, 2019

Tuesday 4 Meme ~ This Holiday Week

I'm posting today for tomorrow and joining in on the Tuesday 4 Meme.
My last post until Friday.

This Holiday Week

1.   What are your Easter or Passover Traditions?

For my family it's going to Easter mass or church services depending on the family members, then later we get together for Easter Dinner depending on which family members are around. It's usually anywhere from 20-25 or more. Each family brings a part of the meal, desserts, etc..etc... We spend time talking or playing games. The children usually hunt for Easter eggs that their parents hide.

2.   What is your favorite Dish for this Holiday?

With me it's Leg of Lamb or Ricotta Stuffed Veal Breast. We are not having either this year. 😇

3.   Do You Go to Mass, Service or Church?

Not anymore as I can't manage it now. I usually watch Easter services on TV and read my bible.

4.   Do you spend The Holiday at Home, on Vacation, or with Family?

Always with some part of the family or at home. I don't travel anymore so it's usually with members close by. This year we are renting out the community room in my apartment complex. No traveling for me thank goodness. 

Until the next time dear friends and family have a blessed week.


  1. Wishing you and yours a very Happy Easter. I am glad you will get to be with your family for this special day. Sounds wonderful. We will go to church Sunday morning, and then probably come back to our house for dinner, hopefully our kids will be able to be here. Not sure if we are doing anything else this weekend with extended family...that is still up in the air. but it's all good. It will be a busy week. Our choir is presenting an Easter Cantata Sunday morning, and we have a dress rehearsal Thursday night. Praying our voices will hold up after having sinus issues for several weeks. It will be fine, and all to the glory of God. Blessings to you, dear friend.

  2. Wishing you a lovely Easter. Mine will be a quiet one this year which I do not mind

  3. My friend Spewgie and I were selected to be altargirls on the local television station's Sunrise Mass.

    On TV, everything looked really nice. Made of cardboard. Even the altar.

  4. Love your traditions. The Ricotta Stuffed Veal Breast sounds yummy!! Have a great Tuesday!

  5. Your plans sound wonderful Toni!!! Have a great time! Loved your answers! Have a Blessed Easter!



I love seeing comments from family and friends. Thank you so much for leaving one. 💜 Many blessings dear friends.