July 8, 2019

The Simple Woman's Daybook ~ July Edition

I'm joining in on  Peggy's SWD  meme for today. The meme is monthly.


Outside my window... It's 10 pm and dark and very quiet. The only lights I see are the lights around the driveway. My apartment faces the parking lot in this building complex.

I am thinking... about having to walk down to the laundry room to do a wash of towels. I like washing late at night while everyone else in the building is either asleep or watching TV in their apartments.
I am thankful... for many things. First this past Saturday I got my shoulder hair cut into a short pixie like the one in my above graphic and love it! I'm also celebrating my son Louis' 54th birthday on the 15th. I still think of him as my baby. A little sad that his twin brother Joseph who passed away at 21 years of age isn't here to celebrate with us. I'm happy he is celebrating with Our Lord Jesus.

One of my favorite things...
right now is watching my favorite baseball team the New York Yankees play. They are doing great this year.

I am creating... not much right now as my mind is being lazy this month and not very creative.

I am wearing... the same old, same old, well not the same every night but a loose top and jeans.

I am reading... Bible verses and not much of anything else.

I am hoping... Today turns out to be a better day for me. I'm going out to lunch with my sister Phyllis. It's always fun spending time with her.

I am learning... not much right now. This has been a lazy week for me. It's like my mind and body shut down... Tomorrow I go for a Diagnostic Bi-lateral test of my right breast as I discovered a hard lump two weeks ago. Never dreamed at the age of 81 this would happen. Wednesday I should get the results from the breast care specialist. I'm leaving it all up to The Lord.

In my kitchen... the only thing going on is the little light under the hood. After all it's after 10pm.

A Favorite Quote Of Mine... "If you're too lazy to start anything, you may get a reputation for patience". 😊
My Thought Of The Day


Until the next time dear family and friends have a day of blessings


  1. Thinking of you dear Toni as you deal with the lump. I pray your heavenly angels encompass you and keep you under their wings as you go and get the results on Wednesday. The Lord is with you as you are his child. As for being lazy, I'm sure you are far from it. Now and then we need to give ourselves permission to relax and enjoy some down time. That's what I'm doing right now myself. Take care dear heart.

  2. Keeping you in prayer...my breast cancer had no warning--none...it was found via imaging. I had no warning signs etc. It was found to be Invasive Ductal Carcinoma and I was 36 years old and had a 6 year old recovering from open heart surgery...dark, dark day. Please keep us updated...our landlady is 83 and just received the same news as I did...

    I am sure you are far from lazy, Toni, smiles. I'll have my day book up soon, smiles

  3. I will be praying hard for you Toni, goes without saying. You will be in prayer constantly.
    Hope it is nothing at all.
    I am being copycat and doing a daybook today as well.

  4. Oh Toni, I will be praying for you as you face this new medical challenge. May God give wisdom, and healing! Praying it is nothing to worry about and that it will go away! Would love to see a picture of your new haircut. I know it feels better to have it short in the summer. I had mine cut a week ago, and I am so happy I did now that I am packing and moving. No time for fussing with my hair! Have a blessed day, and we will be praying all goes well for you.

  5. Thank you my dear friends. Love you all. ❤️

  6. Thank you for sharing. Our oldest are twins and I can't imagine one of them losing the other. :( Blessings to you and your son. Prayers for when you get checked and only thinking good results for you! ~ Robin

  7. Prayers that the test results are good news! Happy Birthday to your son and his brother in heaven. I enjoy late night, it's always quiet and still.

  8. Enjoyed reading your daybook but ooh so sorry to hear the news on your followup post. I'm sure your regular readers will miss your posts as you take time away from your blog.

  9. I have twins, they turned 38 in June. To loose one of them would devastate me.


I love seeing comments from family and friends. Thank you so much for leaving one. 💜 Many blessings dear friends.