September 15, 2019

A Poetry Day ~ Every Falling Leaf

By my many Autumn season poems you know this is my favorite time of the year. So until you tell me you are tired of reading them I will continue to post them.😉😇

Every Falling Leaf

Every falling leaf of autumn,
that are dancing to the ground
With grace and softness move
to music without a sound

With awe and wonder I watch
as they circle to the ground
Such color and beauty to behold
as they dance to silent sound

The autumn chill does warm
the coldness in my heart
as circling leaves come down
my feet do happily take part

And every falling leaf of autumn
that are dancing to the ground
swirling oh so gracefully move
with me to music without a sound.

Toni Taddeo ©
My Own Quote For The Day

Until the next time dear family and friends, have a day of blessings.


  1. Beautiful poem, Toni...and I know that header of yours; Olana. smiles

    Keeping you in prayer my friend.

    1. Thank you dear Linda. Olana is always beautiful in Autumn. I always enjoyed going there and love that it's only ten miles from me. Years ago I would go there often to paint and sold my first painting there. The woman paid $250 for it. 😊

  2. Never tired of your poems Toni. Not ever.


I love seeing comments from family and friends. Thank you so much for leaving one. 💜 Many blessings dear friends.