September 10, 2017

Creative Adventures The Library

A fun Sunday weekly meme based on the old computer text Adventure game i.e., "You are walking through a forest." Only here you follow my creative adventures by filling in the blanks. Please do not copy from here. Go to the Toni's Creative Adventures blog to copy the meme questions by clicking on the graphic below and add your name & blog to Mister Linky. Thank you.

The City Library

1.   While driving home from work you stop in front of the city's hugh library building to pick up 2 books titled "Death On The Nile" and "Body In The Library" both by Agatha Christie my favorite author.

2.   Upon entering the library through the front door you see a spiral staircase on the right leading to the second floor where all the classic murder mysteries are kept. You climb to the top of the stairs and are amazed to see how many aisles there are on that floor.

3.   Walking through the many aisles of books you hear two distinct voices, one male sounding French and the other female sounding English. You walk closer with curiosity to the aisle where the voices are coming from thinking no, they can't be. As you turn and look down the aisle hoping to see both Hercule Poirot and Miss Marple, you see instead a large TV screen showing an older taped interview show of David Suchet dressed as Poirot and the late Joan Hickson dressed as Miss Marple discussing their favorite murder cases. A little disappointed you stop and watch the show for awhile. Picking up the two books you came for, you return to climb down to the first floor desk and order a large coffee to go.

4.   You check out your books, smile to yourself and think wouldn't it be wonderful if you had really seen the spirits of Christie's Poirot and Marple. But then, who believes in spirits of book characters! Laughing to yourself you leave the library knowing you'll be back again soon.

I'm a big fan of memes as anybody who knows me would agree and I hope you join in and play along too. In the meantime dear friends have a blessed day ahead.


  1. A great meme, enjoy your coffee and books!! ))smiles))

  2. You know I love libraries. Fun meme, if I have time tomorrow, I will post this.

  3. I will do the meme tomorrow. I put up a 9 11 thingy today.
    Love doing memes!


I love seeing comments from family and friends. Thank you so much for leaving one. 💜 Many blessings dear friends.