October 29, 2017

The Sleepless Night

Here's this week's Toni's Creative Adventures. Go to the Toni's Creative Adventures blog to copy the meme questions by clicking on the graphic below my answers to the meme. I enjoy doing this meme once a week. It's always fun seeing how a story adventure can be created with just 4 fill in the blanks questions.

The Sleepless Night

1.   Not being able to sleep this one night a few years back during halloween, I twisted and turned in bed and turning toward the hallway I - noticed a dim light coming from the kitchen.

2.   Rising from my bed I decided to walk to the kitchen and - see what could have possibly turned the light dimmer on.

3.   This is when I spotted the - little creature. It wasn't very big, measuring around 2 feet high. It resembled a goblin. I could not tell for sure what it was; it was slightly dark but bright enough for me to see. It had very distinct pointed ears and piercing eyes and green-brown skin. At the time I couldn't move as we exchanged looks for about a minute. It was just standing very still by the kitchen door looking at me.

4.   I was afraid that if I - moved, it would run off or attack me. After watching it for sometime and seeing nothing happening, I decided to slowly walk backward toward my room then turned to get back in bed. When I turned around again to see if it was still watching me, it had disappeared. The "little creature" has never returned since then. I still can't decide if it was a figment of my imagination or the beginning of a nightmare that became almost real.

I hope you join in and play along too. In the meantime dear friends have a blessed day ahead.


  1. {{{big smiles}}} I just noticed the temp. difference from Germantown to Hornell. It is pouring rain and only 37* here. smiles

    I hope your Sunday is a good one.

  2. hehehehe, great story. You know I am really enjoying these.
    Speaking of Temps.. Germantown and Bayville NJ are close today. We are a bit cooler due to shore breeze.. 64, heavy rain and flash flood in effect.
    Tomorrow is my heart ablation surgery. Should be home Tuesday :). Its a few hours then an overnight to watch me and then home.

  3. Toni, I will do the adventure now and set it to post tomorrow. :)
    I already put a post up for Sunday.


I love seeing comments from family and friends. Thank you so much for leaving one. 💜 Many blessings dear friends.