October 11, 2017

Wednesday's Poetry Day ~ Don't Hold Back

Looks like I don't have writer's block anymore as I thought and wrote this one down while I was taking care of "my addiction" this morning. Instantly coming into my mind and wrote it down. Here you go... Love this stuff.

Don't Hold Back
(My Coffee Addiction)

Hook me up
Don't hold back
It's what I need
To keep me on track

Pour it now
I like it plain
hold off the cow
Stops me going insane

Feels so good
Just what I need
Please no sugar
Just liquid java seed

So hook me up
Just plain and black
Here in my mug
Don't hold that java back...

Toni Taddeo ©

Hope you enjoyed my "addiction" poem. Until the next time my friends, have a day of blessings.


  1. {{{Big Big Smiles}}}} Have a beautiful day friend, looks like rain will be moving in here on the western side of the state.

  2. So you're taking your coffee black now? LOL!! Love it.:)

    1. Depends on the coffee and where I have it :)

  3. Loved it!! :) Just perfect. And the picture fits so well. I will never hear that song again without thinking of you and some coffee!
    Have the best day my friend.

  4. From one coffee drinker to another....LOVE that poem!! Hope you're having a great day.

  5. I love the poem and it's subject! I feel the same! Lol. Can't wait till the game tomorrow! go Yankees!

    1. I can't either Kathy! This has been a great year and a new beginning for our Bronx Bombers.


I love seeing comments from family and friends. Thank you so much for leaving one. 💜 Many blessings dear friends.