December 29, 2017

Friday Foto Friends ~ Year End Snow

For the last Friday Foto Friends post of 2017 I thought you might enjoy a repeat of these four snow animated winter scenes. Except for the last photo, animations are by Art Senses who I found on Facebook. The top one is definitely Central Park in New York. The other two are just lovely scenes. The last one of cardinals and bird feeder. I love animations and sometimes I'll create animation in my own graphics.

Hope you enjoyed the animated photos. Have a day of blessings my friends. I'll see you Sunday with a special New Year greeting card posted here.

If you're interested in joining the Friday Foto Friends you can visit Debbie by clicking on her name. Until next time dear friends have a lovely weekend.


  1. Just gorgeous Toni. You come up with some of the most beautiful pictures.
    We are freezing at 6 degrees tonight but I see you are down to 4 so I will not complain!
    Keep bundled and warm.

  2. Pretty, pretty, pretty...brutal, bitter cold here in western NY, expecting another 3-6 inches of snow today-tomorrow. It is winter, sigh. smiles.

    Stay warm my friend...

  3. I love seeing all the snow photo's. They are so beautiful!

  4. Love all of them, but I think the last one is my favorite! Happy New Year, sweet Lady! 💜

  5. Happy New Year dear friend! I wish all the very best for you.


I love seeing comments from family and friends. Thank you so much for leaving one. 💜 Many blessings dear friends.