December 3, 2017

The Seaside Lodge

Here is Toni's Creative Adventures. I enjoy doing this meme once a week. It's always fun seeing how a story adventure can be created with just 4 fill in the blanks questions.

The Seaside Lodge

1.   On a vacation at a private seaside lodge, I decide to jog along the seashore and up ahead I see what looks like a cave in the rocks ahead. I jog to the cave and - being a natural born explorer or nosy body I see it has a large opening for me to enter and explore.

2.   Once in the cave I wait for my eyes to adjust and along the wall in front of me I see a flashlight, using it I walk slowly and I suddenly come to - three different passage ways. All three have a long tunnel like passage. But one of them seems to have a bright light at what looks like the end of the passage. Without thinking twice I decide to follow that one which was the one on the left. As I start walking through that passage the light seemed to get brighter with a warm glow and a sound of swishing like calming water against the rocks.

3.   With wonder and awe I continue - to follow the tunnel without any fear but still walking a little slow for not knowing what I'll find. Not letting it bother me I continue on to the end only to realize I walked in a circle and at the end of the tunnel was the opening of where I started. Shaking my head and laughing I see that the warm glow was the sun shining and the swishing was the ocean waves hitting the shore. Even though nothing came of my little adventure I enjoyed every minute of it.

4.   Upon leaving the cave and replacing the flashlight I gather my thoughts and think - maybe tomorrow I'll return and explore one of the other two passages for who knows what I'll find at the end.


Go to the Toni's Creative Adventures blog to copy the meme questions by clicking on the graphic

I hope you join in and play along too. In the meantime dear friends have a blessed day ahead.


  1. OH!!! What fun!! I will work on it today and have mine up tomorrow. Have a beautiful, joyous day friend.

  2. This one is great. I would be afraid of the tide coming in fast and trapping me in there!
    I absolutely love your header. I think your view of the church is just so gorgeous!
    It reminds me of a Russian Orthodox church out on the Russian countryside, not sure why but it does!


I love seeing comments from family and friends. Thank you so much for leaving one. 💜 Many blessings dear friends.