August 18, 2018

Saturday 9: It's A Jungle Out There

Being it's Saturday I'm joining in on  *Saturday 9*  for today. Hope You join in too. It's a fun meme.

It's a Jungle Out There (Theme from Monk) (2003)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it HERE

1) This week's song is the theme from the detective show that ran from 2002-2009. Were you a fan?  Believe it or not I've never watched the show. My sister Phyllis was a fan and loved it.

2) The song warns us about the air we breathe and the water we drink. Does your home have an air or water filter?  No just a humidifer I use in the winter when the air is dry in the apartment.

3) The lyrics say, "People say I'm crazy to worry all the time." Are you a worrier? Or do you just take things as they come?  I'm one of the latter. I do take things as they come. I just wake up each day thankful I can wake up. 😊

4) TV's Adrian Monk is known for his outstanding deductive powers, an homage to Sherlock Holmes. Have you read any of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's books featuring Sherlock Holmes?  I am a true Holmes fan and read all of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's books and seen every Holmes movies and TV shows even the new modern versions except for "Elementary" for I can not see Watson portrayed by a female. I'm too old school.
5) Monk was also known for fastidiousness and precision, an homage to Hercule Poirot. Have you read any of Agatha Christie's books featuring Poirot?  Again, everyone that knows me knows Hercule Poirot is my most favorite detective and yes, I own and read all Christie's books and own the complete Poirot DVDs along with Miss Marple my second favorite of Christie's detectives.
6) This song was written and performed by Grammy and Emmy winner Randy Newman. Do you have any trophies or plaques?  Yes many, from my son's powerlifting trophies and my grandson's baseball pitching trophies. Sorry no music ones. 😊

7) Before winning an Oscar in 2001, Mr. Newman had the distinction of having the most nominations (15) without a win. Do you consider yourself a graceful loser?  Absolutely!  😇 I have to be as I play cards with my two sisters every Monday afternoon.

8) In 2003, when this song was introduced, Lance Armstrong won his fifth Tour de France. Later, he was disgraced in a doping scandal. Can you think of a time when a hero disappointed you?  Yes, being a NY Yankees baseball fan the one who disappointed me most was Alex Rodriguez (a.k.a. ARod).

9) Random question -- We're catering lunch. Should we put you down for a burger or a taco?  ~ Either or both. I would enjoy whichever you made for me.  😃

Keeping With The Subject, A Monk Quote

Until the next time dear family and friends, be blessed


  1. If you love Poirot, I think you'd appreciate Mr. Monk.

    Our official Saturday 9 catering staff appreciates your flexibility. :)

  2. I remember when Mr. Monk was very popular and I remember the theme song. But like you I never watched an episode.

  3. Mysteries are my favorite reads, but I've never really read the Holmes or Poirot books. I feel like a bit of a slacker. LOL I've never seen Monk, either. Have a beautiful and blessed day!

  4. I love the show Monk. It is so good. You are never going to believe this, but I have never read a mystery. I started watching Agatha Christie last year and when I saw my first movie I thought it would be a good read, but I still have not ready any. One of these days!
    I too was disappointed by a baseball player, but I am over it. Hey, how are you Yankees doing? The Cardinals have been doing better lately. Have a nice weekend.

  5. I never watched Monk either but I always like that actor. Poirot and Miss Marple and of course Sherlock Holmes are my favorite detectives. I enjoyed your answers. I already posted for today so I may just do this tomorrow. Have a blessed day.

  6. I'm another mystery fan--have you read any of the Louise Penny "Three Pines" mysteries? They are my current obsession!

    1. No I haven't. I'll have to check her out. :)

  7. I never watched this show, either. Enjoy the Saturday 9 lunch!

  8. We agree on a lot of these as usual. I too like the old school and leaving characters alone!
    I did this one myself.
    Just love these memes so much and miss your adventures a lot.
    Have a lovely weekend my friend.

  9. It's good to meet another Agatha Christie fan who's read the books and watched the DVDs, and movies, et all.
    I chose a taco. Happy weekend!

  10. I am just getting into reading good mystery books, so maybe one day I will know all these people...I'd like a good real taco right now...not your Taco Bell variety, but a REAL one. Have a blessed and beautiful day.


I love seeing comments from family and friends. Thank you so much for leaving one. 💜 Many blessings dear friends.