September 11, 2018

In Memory Of

17 years have passed and that alone has not diminished the day's horror in my mind. A day no one will ever forget.
Today would be my brother's birthday. We never celebrated his birthday after 2001 as he wanted it that way. It's hard to believe he is gone 11 years already. He was our oldest sibling and today he would have been 82 years old. He is dearly missed. I don't ever remember seeing him without a smile on his face. Love you dear brother.

Until next time dear friends and family be blessed.


  1. It is a day none of us will ever forget and it seems it was just yesterday.

    1. So hard to believe 17 years have passed and it's still fresh in my mind. :(

  2. Yes, Toni, I think 9-11-2001 will always be etched in the minds and hearts of true Americans. Such a sad time for our country.

    Thank you for sharing a picture of your brother.

  3. I remember the day. Never visited them though I could see them from the Parkway headed northward across the river. The Famous Anonymous was toddling around and I watched her all day while my daughter was working. She doesn't remember it but, I do. It was on the morning news in NY.
    Your brother looks like the kind of man who smiles a lot.

    1. My brother was one of The Lord's special people. He smiled all the time Annie. :)

  4. Hi Toni, I just did a blog post on 911 too. A day we never forget. Your brother has a kind face. Sorry he did not want to celebrate after that but I do understand. Hugs

  5. You are so right, it is a day burned in my memory. Big brothers are so wonderful, both of mine are gone. Happy Birthday Sam.


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