November 13, 2018

My Personal Preferences

Here's this week's Tuesday 4 Meme of mine with just 4 questions to answer. I hope you do this one along with me.

My Personal Preferences

1.  Quiet evening at home or Out on the town?: Quiet evening at home most of the time but when I have the chance or ways and means, I enjoy being out on the town. To me "out on the town" means going out to dinner and visiting family.

2.  Watch a movie or read a good book?: Both, depending on my mood and sometimes both at the same time. I used to average 1-2 books a week but have cut it down to a book every other week and many more in the movie category.

3.  Order a meal or cooking one yourself?: Again, depending on my mood I like either. I like to cook and I like to "be served" my dinner in a good restaurant.

4.  Going for a walk or taking a ride in the car?: When I was able to, I loved to go for long walks and hikes, today out of necessity and poor body it would be a ride in the car driven by others as I don't drive anymore.


NOTE:  Painting by William Kay Blacklock (1872-1922) British Painter. titled "A Quiet Read".

Thought For The Day

Until the next time dear family and friends be blessed


  1. I like these. Would be a ride for me right now too! Though they want me to walk a lot soon. We will see. I agree with most of your answers. I like being out on the town as well.

  2. Enjoyed the meme, Toni. Hope your has been a lovely one. Smiles.😊

  3. Oh goodie! I love these memes. I'll join in some time this afternoon!

  4. A ride in the car and eating out, always. I would rather see a movie in my leisure time. I read before bed.

  5. Toni, I wanted to use your cute graphic for my post but can't get it. Do you want us to use it?

    1. Melanie Click on the Tuesday 4 Meme graphic on the left menu to go to the site and you can get that graphic there. I've activated the meme again.


I love seeing comments from family and friends. Thank you so much for leaving one. 💜 Many blessings dear friends.