November 24, 2018

The Simple Woman's Daybook {November Edition}

I'm joining in on Peggy's SWD meme for today and I'm a little late as the month is just about over. 😊. The meme is now monthly and so I'll be posting it mostly on a Thursday each month.


Outside my window... It's a cold Winter temperature night.

I am thinking... how fast this year has gone and only one more month to 2019.

I am thankful... For getting up and being granted another day on this earth thanks to The Lord.

One of my favorite things... right now is getting in the mood for the Christmas. I'll probably start decorating for Christmas Saturday, December 1st. I don't seem to get going this year.

I am creating... right now very little as I'm ahead of myself on graphics and poems.

I am wearing... the same old, same old, well not the same every night but a loose top and jeans.

I am reading... Not anything special right now.

I am hoping... the reading bug hits me again soon.

I am learning... that at my age I can still enjoy the little things in life. 😊

In my kitchen... the only thing going on right now is a fresh pot of coffee which is my happy downfall.

A Favorite Quote Of Mine... ""God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me.


Thought Of The Day


Until the next time dear family and friends have a day of blessings


  1. I enjoyed reading your day book and I really like the new to me take on the serenity poem :-)

  2. Love the quote. Truth. Happy Saturday!

  3. Happy Sunday.. since it just is after midnight and I am getting ready to go to bed.
    It's funny how things come and go like urges to read or things like that. I have no desire to read lately at all. My eyes aren't great which might have something to do with it, who knows.
    Sunday is my birthday so going out for dinner with my daughter and her girls. Looking forward to a good Italian meal.


I love seeing comments from family and friends. Thank you so much for leaving one. 💜 Many blessings dear friends.