September 17, 2019

Tuesday 4 Meme ~ Just Bits And Pieces

I'm joining in on the Tuesday 4 Meme.

Just Bits And Pieces

1.   What is one quote that you love to quote? "What goes around, comes around"

2.   Do you ever at times see the world in black and white? No, the world is neither this or that. It's way too complex to be black or white. And I'd rather see it in full glorious color as painted by The Lord's Hand.

3.   What is something that you never want to do again? Go through what I've been going through these last 3 months.

4.   Do you believe there is life somewhere else in the universe? I'm a seeing is believing kind of person. If I can't see it, I don't believe it, and no where in God's word does it mention life on other planets.


Thought For The Day

Until the next time dear friends and family be blessed.


  1. Great answers... I loved your answer for #!. I sort of skirted around that one I know, but I agree totally with waht you said!

  2. Love the What goes around, comes around quote! Have a great Tuesday Toni!

  3. That is a great quote! Enjoyed reading your answers and I like your thought for the day.

  4. I totally forgot to play today, but I enjoyed your answers!
    I have had the same argument about life on other is not mentioned in the Bible.
    I wish all of this was over for you, but soon friend. My prayers are with you!


I love seeing comments from family and friends. Thank you so much for leaving one. 💜 Many blessings dear friends.